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Six clubs are attempting to sabotage Premier League restarts. Choose your betting package and get your copy of money making sports betting system today . There are divisions among Premier League clubs about the so-called. "project restart". Often in English football, there is talk of a gap between the top six clubs and the rest. This time, however, the opposition are not the leading teams in the standings, but the six clubs involved in the battle for survival - Brighton, West Ham, Watford, Bournemouth, Aston Villa and Norwich. Part of their argument is that the intention of the remaining matches to play on neutral grounds will violate the principles of the race and put some of these teams in an unequal position. This was the view expressed by Brighton. The team, which is two points out of the relegation zone, should have had five households in the remaining nine games, with four against Liverpool, Arsenal, Manchester City and Manchester United. Withdrawal of home advantage in...